Publications - Help
The publications page provides a paged list of publications from the UKCCS which can be
both sorted and filtered. To navigate between pages of publications used the slider or the next
and previous arrows at the top of the ‘Publications’ tab.
The list of publications can be sorted at any time by Title, Journal or Data by clicking the
respective link at the top of the ‘Publications’ tab.
The publications list can be searched by authors or keywords. Clicking the ‘Search...’ button
at the top of the ‘Publications’ tab opens the search dialog providing these options.
To search for specific authors enter the required authors into the field on the dialog with each
author separated by a comma: ‘Bloggs, Bloggs J’ etc.
It is also possible to specify whether the author list must contain one or all of the required
authors by choosing the appropriate options under ‘Author List Contains’.
To search for a specific keyword or phrase contained in the title of a publication enter the
required text into the ‘Title of Publication Contains’ field.
Once the values have been set, click ‘OK’ to search the results. The currently applied
search options are displayed at the top of the ‘Publications’ tab, to clear the current search
click the ‘Clear Search’ button below the current search options.
Publication Details - Help
More information about each publication can be displayed by clicking the title of the
publication or the plus icon next to it. Within the information pane displayed are a
list of authors and a ‘View Details…’ button, which when clicked, will open a new tab
containing a complete list of the available details about the publication, including
links to an online version of the publication, where available.
To print a details tab click the print icon on the bottom right of the tab’s title or click the print
button on the top right of the tab. A printable version of the tab contents will then be opened in
a new window along with the print dialog.
A details tab which is no longer required can be closed by clicking the close icon on the top right
of the tab’s title.